Incidentally, while I always thought that Obama was right to oppose a gas tax holiday, I never considered that doing so was anything but terrible politics. It was brave of him, of course, to double down on his opposition and to try and reconnect it to his theme of real change, but it seemed almost dangerously naive. Last night's results suggest otherwise. As Krugman says, "Hillary Clinton’s advocacy of a gas-tax holiday, while it wasn’t good policy, didn’t rise to the level of a crime. Judging from last night’s results, however, it was worse than a crime: it was a mistake." It's actually been a nice subtheme of this election that crummy policies have been punished. Obama has been lashed, and may have lost his shot at Edwards' endorsement, for bringing out a disappointing health proposal. Clinton took elite and popular heat for her gas tax pandering. The various anti-immigration panderers in the Republican Party -- particularly Romney -- dropped by the wayside. It's been heartening to watch.