By Neil the Ethical Werewolf Amidst the discussions of why Mike Huckabee can't catch fire, one issue I haven't seen raised yet is money. Having annoyed the economic royalist faction of the GOP by raising taxes as governor, he's not well-positioned to raise the cash he'll need to become a top-tier candidate. Money matters even at this early stage -- even if you're not putting ads on the air, you're hiring good staff who can figure out how to promote you, and perhaps paying high-profile people to support you. Also, if you're asked about whether gays will go to hell and you give an answer like, "Heaven is about one’s personal faith and therefore it has to do with one’s relationship to Jesus, not someone’s relationship to someone else" you're not really throwing the base the kind of red meat they want. So you don't get the intense support of the theocratic faction either. [On a completely different note, I'll be in the DC area for a long visit from tomorrow until March 27th. As always, readers who'd like to hang out are welcome to email me!]