POSTED ON TAP ONLINE: HEALTH CARE-APALOOZA! We've had a wave of health care coverage and commentary on the site recently (see all three TAP founders weigh in on Bush's health care proposal if you haven't already). The wave continues today: Merrill Goozner and Jon Cohn add their two cents to the exchange, kicked off last week by Ezra, concerning progressives' core demands for a just health care system. The discussion will be continuously updated as more people weigh in; be sure to take a look.
Meanwhile, in his column this week, Matt argues that, so long as a single-payer system remains unachievable in the short term, liberals should jettison efforts to pass Big Bang-style comprehensive universal health care legislation, and opt instead for continued, gradual, slice-by-slice expansions of government coverage for various populations.
--The Editors