The Paul Krugman/George Will showdown from Sunday's edition of This Week with George Stephanopoulos is good TV, yes, as Krugman eviscerates Will's uninformed take on the economics of the Great Depression, but it's alst interesting on a meta-level, as someone who's paid to seem like he knows these things collides with someone who's paid to know these things. It's expertise versus the aesthetic of expertise.
The pity is that there's no judge, or score sheet, so folks who wanted to agree with Will probably still do, while those find Krugman's commentary more convenient to their biases will happily nod along. Lots of folks are applauding this video, and I do too, but insofar as there are no consequences for being wrong on TV, I think the actual takeaway is that sounding like you know things and actually knowing things are, in this forum, pretty much equal.