I don't think that Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama is a huge deal one way or the other. It strikes me as more of a "you don't need a weatherman -- ahem -- to know which way the wind is blowing" sort of thing. But the current dynamics of the race are that the election is in 17 days, and McCain needs something to upset the dynamics while Obama needs to keep producing stories and events that sustain his momentum and run out the clock. This is one of those events. The Obama campaign can be pretty sure of what's going to lead in tomorrow's Monday papers:
Powell said that the Republican focus on William Ayers and Obama's religious affiliations were damaging America's image abroad."Those kinds of images going out on al Jazeera are killing us around the world," he said. "And we have got to say to the world, it doesn't make any difference who you are or what you are, if you're an American you're an American. And this business of, for example a congresswoman from Minnesota going around saying let's examine all congressmen to see who is pro America or not pro America, we have got to stop this kind of non-sense and pull ourselves together and remember that our great strength is in our unity and diversity. That really was driving me."At which point, there are only 16 days left.