CAP has very helpfully posted up video from each of the candidates at last weekend's health care forum. That's some good wonkin'.
Update: Holy hell, that intro music burns like the screams of Satan himself.
Update the Second!: Notice how Edwards appropriates -- correctly! -- the language of choice to sell his public healthcare option:
If you're the consumer, you can go in and choose what your health care plan will be. Some of the choices are private insurers, and one of is a government plan, basically a Medicare-plus plan. And the idea is to determine whether Americans actually want a private insurer, or whether they'd rather have a government-run, Medicare-plus, single-player plan. And over time, we'll find which way people will go.
That strikes me as pretty effective framing. Not to mention: When's the last time you heard a major national politician mention single-payer in the context of a presidential campaign?