Matthew Yglesias observes that Ayaan Hirsi Ali's view that Islam needs to be eradicated doesn't leave a whole lot of options when it comes to Egypt:
That's not really a worldview that leaves you with a lot of practical policy options vis-à-vis Egypt. I mean, it's a great big country full of Muslims. Maybe in 50 or 100 years, folks like Ali and I who don't believe in God will persuade Egyptians that we're right. But in the short to medium term, there's no real alternative to Egypt being governed predominantly by avowed Muslims. And if Islam as such is “the new fascism” then what's the point in worrying about the Muslim Brotherhood in particular?
America, by contrast, isn't a great big country full of Muslims, although it does have a few million. So Hirsi's worldview may not give the U.S. a lot of options when it comes to Egypt, but it does have some disturbing implications about suggestions she might have regarding American Muslims. Rep. Peter King has asked her to be a witness at his Muslim HUAC hearings, where one wonders what constructive advice about the American Muslim community someone who believes America is "at war with Islam" and that the Constitution should be amended to provide fewer freedoms to Muslims will have to offer.
Not that anyone should have any illusions that King's hearings are about anything constructive.