Christmas writes:
Ezra is preparing himself for his inevitable Clinton endorsement. Most of left blogistan has been slowly trying to talk itself into thinking Clinton is an acceptable nominee over the past couple months; as long as Ezra pretends there are only two Democrats in the race, and focuses on one area (health care) where Clinton looks better on paper (except, of course, for all those millions of dollars coming from her buddies in the health care industry), he can coax himself into cheering on a Clinton campaign in the general.
This particular accusation gets tossed around a lot these days, including by a good friend of mine whose judgment I respect enormously, but who has inexplicably convinced himself that any progressive not supporting Obama is actually lying to themselves, to him, to everybody. So go the primaries, I guess.
I feel, though, that it's occasionally good for a writer to lay out his biases. So here they are: At the moment, it's a bit hard for me to see how anyone could wholeheartedly support any of the top tier candidates. This may be mere pre-primary anxiety, but I'm basically obsessed with the flaws of all the frontrunners, and find each to be a remarkable candidate with very dangerous shortcomings.