I keep meaning to mention this, but the study that caused Dr. Melfi to drop Tony seemed absurdly poorly done. As it was explained in the show, sociopaths who engaged in talk therapy had a slightly higher rate of recidivism, suggesting that the therapy didn't cure them, but instead made them more effective, empowered lunatics. Except that recidivism isn't necessarily a stand-in for crime rates. If the talk therapy is making sociopaths more communicative, and thus they are more open about their crimes and more likely to be caught in larger numbers, that's actually a boon. And there's a pretty significant correlation/causation issue here too.
Now, maybe we're supposed to believe that there are all sorts of methodological safeguards and innovations making this a bulletproof finding. But Melfi's reaction seemed strangely credulous, particularly given her perfectly apt objections about actually identifying sociopaths, and seeing studies like this consistently overturned.