John Judis takes a close look at the New Hampshire exit polls and concludes:
What they show is that the pattern that held up earlier in the year between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama – not in terms of the extent of their support, but in terms of who is supporting them – is holding up in New Hampshire. Clinton is still doing well among women (particularly older and married women), traditional Democrats, voters over 40, and among lower-middle income white voters without college degrees who are worried about the economy. Obama is doing fabulously among the young and very well among independents and upscale Independents. Both of these can also be important blocs for a Democrat to win in the fall.It's not clear to me if Clinton is pulling in new women and lower middle-income white voters, or winning a higher percentage than Democrats normally do. If she is, that's very important. If not, then those are presumably pretty solid Democratic blocs who will vote for the nominee in the general, and thus you can argue that Obama's success among non-traditional voters is more relevant. The results of the next few primaries should clear this up.