It's Friday. But, worse than that, it feels like Sunday. As if I shouldn't need to be thinking today. So, some quick hits:
• New York banning trans fats fron restaurants? For or agin'? I'm vaguely uncomfortable with this, but every time I actually think it through, it seems like a strong bit of public policy. Trans fats are, basically, a poison -- one that has healthier alternatives, and most folks don't know is in their food. It's instructive that since the FDA decreed that nutrition labels show trans fats, the nasty little buggers have almost completely disappeared from processed food. New York could, I guess, force places that used trans fats products to put up a sign, but this seems simpler. Also, smoking bans are awesome, and I'm stoked for ours taking effect in 2007. Three cheers for the nanny state.
• Rereading the point above, it turns out I'm not much of a libertarian. Who knew?
• Looks like the Vatican is about to erase the idea of limbo -- the otherwordly way station where unbaptized babies hung out in lieu of going to heaven. Said Rev. Thomas Reese, "It's an idea whose time has passed."
• Are people just not very interested in my sparklingly insightful ideas on publishing (see post below)? I thought that was good! On the other hand, I also think it may be wrong, and reviews simply don't do much of anything for books. O'Reilly, after all, sells well, but rarely makes it into the New York Review of Books. Thomas Friedman also does well, and routinely gets reviewed. So what do I know?
• Yeah, I basically got nothing. Blame it on this weird Friday/Sunday thing.