I'm also glad to hear the mega-rich, English-first financier Ron Unz is going to play angel to the American Conservative. If more wealthy dudes wanted to fund ideologically marginal political publications, that would be a good, invigorating thing for the nation's debate. The American Conservative is willing to make arguments more mainstream institutions would find laughable, even repellent. Sometimes, those arguments really are laughable, or repellent. But sometimes, they're important. And in any case, it's healthy to have bomb throwers and provocateurs testing the strength and merits of what passes for political consensus. So, in summation, rich people should stop giving so much money to museums and public radio, and begin funding quixotic political start-ups that will make them seem extremist and strange. I'd really love to see a well-funded, feisty magazine arise that takes aim at the nation's economic mainstream and foreign policy consensus from a near-socialist standpoint. It's not where I am on the political spectrum, but it seems no crazier than libertarianism, and it would be a useful critique if made in a pointed and rigorous way.