by Nicholas Beaudrot of Electoral Math
via The Carpetbagger, Main Street and Pro-Choice Republicans are on the march [emphasis mine[:
The Republican Majority for Choice, a lobbyinggroup for Republicans who support abortion rights and embryonic stemcell research, blamed the losses Tuesday on Iraq and "socialextremism," Co-chairwoman Jennifer Stockman said. "Moderates have beenalienated for years. This was the last straw."
Today, the group planned to unveil a campaignand website, modeled after the liberal site, It will begin running TV ads inPennsylvania on Sunday, contrasting images of Republican icons likeRonald Reagan with social conservatives such as Sen. Rick Santorum, wholost his seat Tuesday.
From the Wiki on Roe v Wade:
Opposition to Roe on the bench grew as President Ronald Reagan, who supported legislative restrictions on abortion, controversially made abortion his "litmus test" for federal judicial appointments.
What's more, the Republican Majority for Choice (which claims that a majority of Republican voters are at some level "pro-choice") now has a tough road to hoe. 8 of the 23 "pro-choice" Republicans lost to Democrats, plus rep Joe Schwarz (R-MI) lost in a primary to a pro-lifer. So the Republican Caucus, now devoid of Linc Chafee, Nancy Johnson, Charlie Bass, and others, is now substantially more pro-life than it has ever been. It might be nice to pine for the days of John Heinz, but they're simply not coming back any time soon.