An anonymous group of anti-choicers are trying to derail Michael "Drill, Baby, Drill" Steele's campaign for RNC chair, reports David Brody. Now, this is strange. Michael Steele identifies as pro-life and, during his failed Senate race, was endorsed by the National Right to Life Committee. And not only is he a pro-lifer, he's an African American pro-lifer. That's important to Christian conservatives, who teach their children that black babies are the primary victims of the abortion "genocide." The movement regularly likens abortion to slavery.
So what's the problem with Steele? Apparently, the issue is his former membership in the socially moderate Republican Leadership Council, which he founded with former Senator and U.N. Ambassador John Danforth, who opposes abortion rights, and Christine Todd Whitman, who supports them. The RLC accepts debate and disagreement on social issues, and believes the Republican Party should do the same:
RLC-PAC's vision is a Republican Party that is unified by the basic tenets of fiscal responsibility and personal freedom, but that allows for diverse opinions on social issues by its members.
RLC-PAC members consider themselves True Conservative Republicans. Republicans who believe that our elected officials have a responsibility to their constituents to spend their money wisely. We believe that government should have a limited role in American's personal lives. And we believe in a strong national defense.
We'll have to wait and see if this campaign against Steele sticks. The attack is already up and running on the most prominent anti-choice websites.
--Dana Goldstein