Michelle Malkin occasionally plays a triage-surgeon role among right-wing bloggers -- when infamous Republicans are so heavily damaged that it's not worth expending any resources to save their reputations, she publicly declares that it's time to give them up. It happened with Michael Brown and Jack Abramoff, and the latest embarrassment to be left dying on the battlefield is Ben Domenech.
Decisions like that can earn you enemies among the friends of the fallen, and now there are no less than three diaries on the RedState recommended list bashing Malkin for giving up on Ben, who was long a beloved figure in the RedState community. As someone who savors internecine warfare on the right, I like the title "Michelle Malkin: Dead to Me", and the diary it links to is pretty nice too. It's not nearly as great as RedState was in the Harriet Miers days (How can you top a comment that says "Bush is a gutless, abortionist liar. I spit on him"?) but you take what you can get.