
You should read this picture as if it were accompanied by the boss theme from Mega Man 2.
I'm not sure who I expected to emerge as a grassroots favorite for the RNC leadership post, but it definitely wasn't Fred Thompson. I guess I didn't see all the awesomeness he brings to the table. Jon Henke explains:• Fred Thompson is one of the best communicators on the Right. His 1995 Republican response to President Clinton's State of the Union address was considered devastating and powerful, and while the years he spent living and working outside of politics had an effect on him during the '07-'08 campaign, Thompson ended up performing exceptionally well in the debates and at the Republican National Convention. • Fred Thompson isn't just good at reading the talking points. He's a genuine intellectual - a policy wonk - who understands and talks about issues and ideas in a powerful, resonant manner.•Fred Thompson has grasped the importance of the internet.Fred Thompson does not do push-ups, he pushes the earth down. Fred Thompson does not laugh at LOLcats. When Rick Astley clicks on a link, he gets Fred Thompson-rolled, etc.Is this a common understanding of the guy on the Right? Because I seem to remember a drowsy senior citizen who sort of wandered through the primaries. Indeed, reporter friends of mine used to vie to cover his campaign, because he was too lazy to do many morning events, or for that matter, many evening events, or for that matter, many events at all. He was mainly known for a lot of conference calls, which suited tired journalists just fine. Covering Thompson was like getting desk duty during World War II. Now, I would rather like it if Republicans elevated an incredibly lazy guy as their last remaining spokesperson, but I'm not really sure why they'd feel the same. On the other hand, I trust Jon Henke. Maybe he has a different reputation in conservative circles?