C'mon, you had to know it'd happen. Sooner or later, at least. It's not as if Shakespeare's Sister could keep writing impassioned posts that made you want to run for something, organizing massive coalitions that left you ready to believe in something, and running the sort of blog that made you want to do something all without ever around an inkling of awareness from the higher-ups. Total Information Awareness has long kept an eye on her and now, as a warning strike, they jacked up her property taxes and forced her out of her job.
Man. That's some bullshit, yo.
So head on over there, buy her some nice things, drop her some cool bucks, or, if you're in the Chicago area, give her a sweet job. You can use me as reference -- there's no one I'd recommend more highly. And that dadgum guv'mint better get off her back. Otherwise, we'll have to take a page out of Shakes's book and organize, forming a fund to send Matthew Lesko out to get some of money back.