I admit, the trailer sort of sucks. But Role Models, despite making nothing at the box office, is actually very good. It's a film with three parts. The main component, and the best, is Paul Rudd, who plays it smart-funny: Lots of ironic asides and snide insults. It's like spending the afternoon with Atrios (in his blog, rather than human, form). Sean William Scott is sort of American Pie-funny, and isn't overused. And the kids -- particularly McLovin -- bring a measure of warmth. It's a delicate balancing act. Too much of Rudd's character would make for too much knowing nihilism, an emphasis on Scott's amiable dunce would be a dumb movie, and too much of the kids would be treacly. But the fim gets the proportions just right, and the latter half revolves around medieval role playing games, and works perfectly. It'll also warm the heart of any geek. A great Christmas film.