Since I fell for the spin myself, I should note that Rudy! did not in fact skip New Hampshire; he spent more time and money there than anyone except Romney. Which makes his barely finishing ahead of Ron Paul especially embarrassing. And then there's the Florida firewall! In fairness, at least he didn't finish behind Lyndon LaRouche and Al Koholic, like Fred "Campaign at Bernie's" Thompson. Obviously, the GOP side is now a 3-man race. I'm going to stick with my prediction that Romney is the most likely winner; McCain's win wasn't terribly impressive how favorable New Hampshire is for him, and a lot of the conservative base doesn't like him. Romney will have by far the most resources and was the only one who was competitive in both Iowa and New Hampshire. I wouldn't be surprised by McCain, either, and it would be unwise to write Huckabee off entirely, but Romney is the single most likely. --Scott Lemieux