It seems self-evident to me that of late Big Andrew Brietbart is attempting to produce conservative opinion journalism. At least, that's one of his strategies for "bringing down the mainstream media." That's why I'm confused when he denounces liberal journalists for arguing amongst themselves. Regardless, for all his prim posturing about the death of American journalism, he still hasn't corrected or updated his wildly false story about Shirley Sherrod, which ironically begins with the sentence "context is everything." He's doubling down, arguing that the audience of Sherrod's speech was "cheering discrimination."
It's a wonder he's taken as seriously as he is, given that the emerging pattern of him championing videos edited to misrepresent the facts and then disavowing his part in the consequences. It's worth reading Joan Walsh on this front, who wisely notes that, just as with the recent back-and-forth between conservatives and liberals on working-class whites, "a lot of people are spending a lot of energy to get folks like the Spooners and Sherrod to think they should be enemies, when the real issue is class."
-- Tim Fernholz