Spencer Ackerman informs us that in the recent handicap match, pitting the US Army and the Maliki government against Moqtada al-Sadr's forces, Sadr kicked ass and took names, and Maliki is now groveling before him -- in Iran -- to ask for a resolution. And Sadr's resolution? Something that looks a whole lot like a nationalist's political platform. Now, I've never understood why we're supposed to prefer Maliki to Sadr, and so would happily accept it if Sadr could position himself such that he brought some unity and stability to Iraq. But given that we are supposed to prefer Maliki to Sadr, the degree to which everything we do, or allow to happen is backfiring (remember, here, that the Anbar Awakening was predicated on arming separatist Sunni tribes), is really quite astonishing.