Here's the Other Klein on Putin's offer of a nuclear deal to Iran:
(Neoconservatives please note: Putin offered his idea to the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who actually controls the Iranian nuclear program, rather than to court jester Mahmoud Ahmadinejad...although Bush continued to rant about Ahmadinejad in his press conference).
Yes, Putin made his appeal to the guy who controls the missiles, not the guy who controls the traffic. It's sort of an important difference. One imagines this to be an important development, though, as Putin would love to get the credit for resolving an international crisis that America was incapable of bringing to a peaceful conclusion. And given that Russia has considerable economic influence over Iran, and can sell this as a way to embarrass America, you have to assume that Iran is listening closely.
On a related note, see this picture of Khameini? Remember when Michael Ledeen was telling us that his sources in Iran" were assuring him that Khameini was dead? Can someone remind me why people listen to Michael Ledeen?