Via Andrew Sullivan, Mike Huckabee says, "Oh, I believe in science. I certainly do. In fact, what I believe in is, I believe in God. I don't think there's a conflict between the two. But if there's going to be a conflict, science changes with every generation and with new discoveries and God doesn't. So I'll stick with God if the two are in conflict."
That's silly. God changes constantly. In 325, the Council of Nicaea basically created the Trinity. A few years ago, the Pope decided that hell was metaphorical, rather than literal. Huckabee, of course, would say that this isn't God changing, it's our understanding of God that's changing, evolving, coming closer to Truth. Of course, that's exactly what happens when science "changes" too. I'd always thought, though, that Christians -- to some degree, unlike scientists -- were supposed to evince more humility as to their understanding of the numinous. Concluding that something science proves is wrong because it conflicts with the Bible is like looking at a mountain, looking at a map, and deciding the mountain is wrong because the map doesn't mention it.