By Pepper at the Daily Pepper
Neil Shakespeare has a wonderful graphic and post reflecting on the "Old New York," the New York with the twin towers standing tall in the distance. He then writes, "Like many of you, I'm sure, whenever I see an 'old' movie filmed in New York with shots of the Twin Towers I feel a twinge. I wince. I see those airplanes."
We're still not far away enough from 9/11 that we can imagine the New York skyline without the twin towers. It's as if the nation had its two front teeth knocked out. For work on Friday, I watched the video of Ryan Adams' "New York, New York." Adams sings while the Twin Towers stand against the sky, and a title card appears at the beginning, explaining, "This video was shot on September 7, 2001." I held back my tears, just thinking about how indestructible the towers looked, and how everyone working in those towers probably thought they were indestructible, too.