SEEKING ANTI-ABORTION LAWYER, ASAP. There's a lot of mopping up to do after Gonzales v. Carhart, and Americans United for Life, one of the central addresses for model anti-abortion legislation, is getting busy. In a letter on AUL's website, under the headline "A New Dawn," the group's president lays out its strategy for a post-Carhart era. The decision, he writes, restores deference to the states, reinforces the importance of informed consent, and "opens the door for utilizing all our research on the negative impact of abortion on women." Which means, he continues, that they'll be looking at litigation and legislation in the states, and "we expect to be very busy." In order to "take full advantage of these new opportunities," AUL, which is holding its annual "Legal Institute" is in Chicago this week, is "looking to hire two additional attorneys as quickly as funding permits." Send resumes to Clarke D. Forsythe, Esq., President, AUL. --Sarah Blustain