I don't really want to recapitulate the lipstick story. You know the gist: Obama said McCain's economic policies were like putting "lipstick on a pig." McCain and his campaign immediately responded with "how dare you call Sarah Palin a pig!?" This either suggests that Sarah Palin is McCain's economic policies or that the McCain campaign thought she was a pig and so read their own beliefs onto Obama. ANYWAY. McCain is very upset. Which is interesting, because he's never struck me as all that delicate before. Here, for instance, he's asked "how do we beat the bitch?" The bitch being referred to is Hillary Clinton. "That," says McCain, "is an excellent question." Meanwhile, it wasn't that long ago that McCain got in trouble for telling this oh-so-delicate joke. "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?" He asked a room of supporters. "Because her father is Janet Reno."