Via DCist and The Washington Times, this is a really weird story: The state of Maryland is requiring that on Halloween, sex offenders keep their outdoor lights off, not answer the doorbell, and oh, by the way, post this pumpkin sign on the window or door:

Try not to laugh. In all seriousness, it makes good sense to further restrict the activities of sex offenders on an evening when we know children, some of them unaccompanied by adults, will be wandering around after dark. But since most sex offenders on parole wear GPS devices, and are already required to stay indoors on Halloween and check in with law enforcement, are these signs necessary? They are sure to send parents into a panic and will probably titillate kids, some of whom will see the local neighborhood sex offender as just another Halloween curiosity.
What's more, parents who want to learn if sex offenders live in their neighborhood already have a way to do so, through the Maryland Sex Offender Registry. The registry not only includes physical addresses, but also email addresses, chat room handles, and instant message accounts.
I'm forced to conclude that this pumpkin is a patently ridiculous public relations ploy. Anybody disagree?
--Dana Goldstein