2012 GOP hopeful Herman Cain explains why gays are kosher for his cabinet but Muslims are haram:
TP: Mr. Cain, you recently came under fire for your comments about the kind of people you would appoint to your cabinet. Would you be opposed to appointing an openly gay but qualified person to be in your cabinet?
CAIN: Nope, not at all. I wouldn't have a problem with that at all. I just want people who are qualified, I want them to believe in the Constitution of the United States of America. So yep, I don't have a problem with appointing an openly gay person. Because they're not going to try to put sharia law in our laws.
It's like Americans with bacon. Muslims just can't help putting sharia law in everything. I suppose the real significance of Cain's remarks is that Americans are growing less homophobic but Muslims remain unpopular, so Cain feels comfortable casually declaring he'd violate Article VI of the Constitution.