In a rambling, 13 minute YouTube address railing against sex, gambling, Hollywood movies, and "the warmonger Barack Obama" publicity hound Anjem Choudary, organizer of the "Sharia4America" march in front of the White House scheduled for today, explained that the march in fact, would not be taking place, although I couldn't quite make out why. That's despite the free promotion from Fox News, and a declaration from Glenn Beck that the march would be the moment America's enemies would strike. We can all breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that's not going to happen anymore.
Frank Gaffney's Center for Security Policy seized on the rally, announcing a counter press conference "warning of threat of Shariah law to the Constitution." Now, in a cruel, ironic twist of fate, the foil they were promised will be absent. It's practically a metaphor for the entire sharia panic in the first place.