Noy has a great line on Jesus is Magic:
Silverman is the deconstructionist as comic -- if Derrida had held court, she would have been his jester.
True enough. I saw the movie on Friday and found it brilliant in parts, but mediocre overall. To be fair, some of the movie's best lines were spoiled by critics and reviewers who couldn't bear to keep the jokes to themselves, but I just didn't find the act able to sustain itself for the duration of the film. It's well worth a few bucks and you'll definitely get some laughs, but very little of the humor reaches the heights of Pryor, Murphy, Williams, or Izzard.
Silverman is funny, sure, but her performance is so layered with ironic winks and cool kids cues that, at a certain point, it looks like the real joke is on the audience who thinks they're in on the gag. Since she's draped in some weird hipster cred, everyone is desperate to puzzle out her meanings and tease out her genius, but I'm not convinced that what the boosters are spending so much mental energy excavating is actually buried there.