I'm not really sure how I feel about the light emitted by energy savings bulbs (so far as I can tell, the main problem is that they burn out really quickly), but I'd really prefer to purchase them in a world with carbon auctions. If it turns that I do love the soft glow of carbon-chewing, incandescent bulbs, I'd like to be able to simply pay the extra cost and buy them. Alternatively, I can decide to go with the environmentally friendly, cheaper option. But one nice effect of actually factoring the carbon into the price is that I can make the choice effectively carbon neutral -- I can pay more for my incandescent bulb and also pay for the carbon in it, or pay less for my CFL bulb and save due to its low carbon footprint. As it is now, if I want to go with incandescent, my only option is to screw over the environment and free ride on the externalities. There's no real way to sin responsibly.