Joe Klein has an excellent and wise column about the role Israel has played in this election and the incoherent, counter-productive conversation we've been having about Hamas (incidentally, I had no idea Obama dropped Rob Malley from his list of advisers for the sin of meeting with Hamas: That's cowardly and disappointing). But I don't think you should read it, because I'm pretty sure he hates the Jews. As a general note on all this, negotiations with Hamas are not, in any way, a taboo subject in Israel, where 64 percent of the country -- including such weak-kneed appeasers as Sharon's national security adviser and a former head of the Mossad -- supports direct engagement. Thankfully, American Jews who'll never have to deal with the consequences of continued enmity are here to strengthen our allies spine! In moments like these, I'm reminded of Daniel Davies' comment that:
Every time this slightly scary bunch of warlike, paranoid and rather right-wing people are asked to make a choice between the national interests of Israel and their own vanity politics, it’s Israel that gets shafted. Any concern over “divided loyalties” or what have you is completely misplaced – the “Israel Lobby” are nationalists of a completely imaginary state, one which has no meaningful politics of its own, no need to compromise with reality and no national interests other than constant war.Of course, these folks will tell you they want peace, they support a two-state solution! They just also support the settlements, and also refuse to enter into talks with the elected representatives of the Palestinians. It's like dieting, but refusing to reevaluate on the crucial "chocolate cake for breakfast" question.