The title of David Frum's response to Newt Gingrich and Dinesh D'Souza, "Gingrich: Obama Wants Whitey’s Money," is classic and he offers a strong takedown. I don't know about this conclusion, though:
Conservatives object to the Obama administration as too expensive, too regulatory, too intrusive, too beholden to Democratic special interest groups, and too apologetic about America's role in the world. It's a libel to claim that we object to the administration as too black or too alien. Bad enough when the libel is issued by liberals. Much worse when it is heard from our own writers, from magazines that speak to us, from political leaders who would speak for us.
How is it libel to claim conservatives are saying something they're actually saying, whether or not Frum would prefer them not to? It's also not a paradox to say that conservatives oppose Obama's policies as too expensive, too regulatory, and too intrusive and that some of them express that opposition in racialized terms.