Mark Regnerus's op-ed on the virtues of marrying young makes some interesting arguments that I'm loathe to offer half-baked commentary on. I prefer easy topics, like the financial crisis. I would, however, like to offer my congratulations to the environmental movement: We have literally reached a place where even articles on the optimal age for matrimony include an analysis of carbon emissions:
Marriage may be bourgeois, but it's also the greenest of all social structures. Michigan State ecologists estimate that the extra households created by divorce cost the nation 73 billion kilowatt hours of electricity and more than 600 billion gallons of water in a year. That's a mighty big carbon footprint created in the name of solitude.Take a bow, Al Gore. And remember, kids, that your wedding day "is your day to show the ones you love your passion for the environment!" So go to GreatGreenWedding.com and get started.