The latest development in the Michael Bloomberg third term drama is that Ronald Lauder, the billionaire term limit backer who last week announced he supports Bloomberg's quest for world domination, has now changed his mind -- again. Lauder won't back Bloomie unless the addition of a third term for mayors and city council members is a one time occurrence, not the permanent law change Bloomberg is seeking. According to the Times, Lauder, who just a few days ago planned on funding commercials in support of Bloomberg, now says he'll invest in advertisements against the plan if the mayor doesn't promise to uphold the general principle of a two-term limit. Whether or not you support term limits or a third term for Mayor Mike, it's pretty easy to see that Lauder's position is the least principled of the bunch. We can debate all day whether the New York City council or a ballot initiative should overturn term limits in the city. But the bottom line is that no man is above the law, and Bloomberg has made a smart decision not to push for an extension just for himself and other sitting politicians, but for a change that would continue on in perpetuity. For Lauder to say that he supports a third term for Bloomberg, but not for any other politician ever, is profoundly undemocratic. --Dana Goldstein