by Nicholas Beaudrot of Electoral Math
I think Democrats have in fact shot the Social Security Privatization Zombie in the head, never to return again. The only worry is that the Pelosi-Hoyer-Clyburn-Emanuel leadership team does not contain a forthright labor-liberal in the bunch, and that they'd agree to some sort of "compromise" in a fit of bipartisan pique to placate America's editorial boards. I, for one, consider this unlikely; Emanuel is basically only for bipartisanship if Democrats get the credit, plus he likely remembers "don't touch Social Security" winning the mid-90s round of this fight. More importantly, Pelosi does have close ties to Rep. George Miller (D-CA), incoming Chair of the Education & Workforce Committee, and a sort of pension expert extraordinaire. I can't imagine him signing on to any sort of compromise with the current White House.
Besides, I hear economic populism is this fall's new black. Ride the trend!