by Nicholas Beaudrot of Electoral Math
I still firmly believe that the second priority after taking back the White House has to be increasing the Democratic margin in the Senate. At this point in the election cycle, the priority has to be making as many seats as possible potentially competitive. Dems already have an edge in Colorado, Virginia, and New Hampshire, so I'll leave those off the list. Otherwise, folks should consider adopting one of these fine candidates and throwing them some coin:
- Oregon: Jeff Merkely Update or Steve Novick
- Maine: Tom Allen
- Minnesota: Al Franken
- Texas: Rick Noriega
- Oklahoma: Andrew Rice
- Idaho: Larry Larocco
- Kentucky: Greg Stumbo (though Andrew Horne might run and get DSCC backing)
- Alabama: Vivian Figures
If none of these candidates strike your fancy, hope that one of these candidates enters the race:
- North Carolina: Grier Martin
- Nebraska: Bob Kerrey
- Kansas: Jim Slattery
- Alaska: Mark Begich
I haven't yet included New Mexico, where Pete Domenici's approval is cratering, or Wyoming, where Barasso isn't really an incumbent yet and Governor Freudenthal might be coaxed into running. At this point, only Lindsay Graham, Thad Cochran, Michael Enzi, and that m##*!)**ing c*#*(!&)er, Saxby Chambliss appear truly invulnerable.
Update: Senate 2008 Guru's Expand the Map! Actblue page specifcally recommends Rice and Larocco to expand beyond the top six of CO-VA-NH-OR-MN-ME.