Time for the latest research on global warming, urbanism and latino political power.
- Another reason to fear global warming? A study published this month in Nature validates the contentious worry that warming oceans will drastically increase the intensity of our world’s most powerful cyclones. Scientists predict that a 1°C increase in sea-surface temperature would lead to a 31 percent increase in the global frequency of storms with winds over 210 KM/hr -- devastating news for poorer coastal countries which are constantly faced with the hazards of an unfriendly and unnatural climate that they have played a negligible role in creating. -- DH
- Only urbanites love America. [PDF] Brookings wonk Robert Puentes, testified last week before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs. His statement, "Strengthening the Ability of Public Transportation to Reduce Our Dependence on Foreign Oil," argues that mass transit sustainably promotes economic efficiency and an independent United States. Grab some clarifying stats amidst the rhetoric in his 9-page testimony. -- CP
- It's never too early to learn. The Brookings Institution reports on the demonstrated efficacy of early-childhood education programs, notably Head Start, State Pre-K, Early Head Start, Model Early Childhood Programs, and Nurse Home Visiting. The report shows that these early childhood education initiatives benefit children significantly in terms of later school performance and advises policy makers on the individual merits of each program. -- SW