Fred Thompson seems to be acknowledging that his entire life hasn't been saintly – which I guess is better than pretending. While he cites his voting record in the Senate as solidly pro-life, he says it wasn't until his late-in-life child with his second wife that he was really on-board with the pro-life movement: "My political record and my head was always there, but I must say it took life's experiences for me to observe the real importance of it all ... After seeing a sonagram of my child ... I will never feel exactly the same again. My heart now is fully engaged with my head. As president of the U.S. no legislation will pass my desk that funds or supports this procedure without my veto."
On appointing pro-life, socially conservative judges, he says if one nominee can't clear the Senate, "you ought to send another one just like him." And he'll keep sending them. "It's a fight we can have all day long, and we will win in the end if we're persistent."
On what he would do in his first 100 days in office: "I don't really know." But, he says, "I know what I would do the first hour. I would go in the Oval Office, close the door, and pray for the wisdom to know what was right, and the strength to do what is right."
Wait, couldn't he get started on that now? Does God wait to come up with his plan for you until after you secure the Electoral College?
--Kate Sheppard