I used to receive the The National Review, but recently let my subscription lapse. So I just got this appeal in my inbox:
Dear (former!) NR Digital Subscriber,I can't help it. I'm … hurt. Terribly terribly hurt.Why shouldn't I be?! Your subscription to National Review Digital has - I almost can't say it - expired.How could it have come to this? I know, I know - it's the last thing you wanted to happen. You were going to renew, but something came up, this distracted you, that interrupted you. Meanwhile the clock has run out, and now you are in the unhappy position of missing the convenient e-fix of NR that used to await you every fortnight.What to do? Well, here's what: Simply click right here, and before you can say President Hillary Rodham and First Husband Bill Clinton, you'll have renewed your subscription to the one source of superior news and commentary and humor (all free from liberal bias!) that you just can't be without.President Hillary Rodham?