THE TIMES TELLS IT LIKE IT IS. A few weeks ago, we here at The Prospect received delivery of a dozen or so gigantic, beautifully bound, lavishly illustrated books attempting to tell of the fraud that is evolution. These coffeetable-sized tomes, complete with holographic covers, challenged evolution not from the Christian Right, but from the Islamic Righter. Turns out we weren't the only ones. The New York Times has a story on the books today, and it includes this admirably forthright paragraph (italics mine):
In bowing to Scripture, Mr. Yahya resembles some fundamentalist creationists in the United States. But he is not among those who assert that Earth is only a few thousand years old. The principal argument of “Atlas of Creation,” advanced in page after page of stunning photographs of fossil plants, insects and animals, is that creatures living today are just like creatures that lived in the fossil past. Ergo, Mr. Yahya writes, evolution must be impossible, illusory, a lie, a deception or “a theory in crisis.”In fact, there is no credible scientific challenge to the theory of evolution as an explanation for the complexity and diversity of life on earth.Somewhere, Chris Mooney (who's got a new book out, don't cha know) is smiling. --Ezra Klein