THE TINIEST VIOLIN IN THE WORLD...I'm always amazed at how similarly the left and the right perceive each other. Here's The American Spectator's Quin Hillyer complaining about liberal incivility:
The Left can dish it out (with frequent use of "f" words and direct questioning of conservatives' motives, not just our reasoning), but they just can't take it. Again and again, they can and have called GOP stances "un-American" and the like, but on the other hand, again and again they take a conservative statement that only addresses the likely RESULTS of lefty actions, not their motives, and accuse the conservatives of questioning their patriotism. It's a total, absolute crock.And a total, absolutely mirror of the complaints liberals issue daily. Now, I, being a liberal, think Hillyer's off-base, and it's quite genuinely the right who engages in such smears, but it's fascinating nonetheless.--Ezra Klein