Gershom Gorenberg explains why a much-discussed new Israeli film is so important:
By seeking his own memory, Folman assaults national forgetfulness -- about the war, the massacre, and Ariel Sharon, the man who planned the invasion and let the massacre take place. As in the best stories, the specifics point to the universal: This is what happens when old leaders, overconfident and reckless, send young people to war. (Given that message, it's a shame that Waltz will open in the United States only in December, rather than well before Nov. 4.)
Sebastian Jones goes undercover at the annual summit of John Hagee's Christians United for Israel and finds his followers as radical as ever:
That afternoon, right-wing darling former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania laid the situation out clearly: We are not at war with terror, he said, we are at war with Islamism -- a significant though small portion of the Islamic world. "Secular relativistic" liberals, he explained, "don't believe, and if you don't believe, you can't understand." To my left, a middle-aged woman with ginger-blondcolored hair dutifully scribbled in her notebook. "Eliminate Iran," she wrote.
And Daniel Strauss interviews the co-chairs of the new Office of Congressional Ethics:
Strauss: To an extent, the OCE seems like a response to the failures of the House Ethics Committee. How is this office going to be different from the HEC?Goss: I think in that debate we've had some people from outside of Congress saying, "There needs to be a way for us to file complaints, bring things to people's attention; there needs to be sort of a public window we can go up to in the House of Representatives and say, 'we think you ought to look at this' or 'this is serious and we want to file a complaint,' so against that you've got to balance the constitutional requirements of the conduct of Congress, which means you've got speech and debate and the other protections that no one other than presumably the members are supposed to deal with the conduct of members.
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