At the current panel, "Inside the Presidential Campaigns: What Worked, What Didn't," Tracy Russo, who worked on the Edwards campaign, just went after McCain for lacking hands-on knowledge and understanding of the Internet and social networking tools. Mark Soohoo, from the McCain campaign, jumped to his candidate's defense, saying that the importance of tech wasn't lost on John McCain. (Eve Fairbanks got the exact quote: "You don’t necessarily have to use a computerto understand, you know, how it shapes the country. … John McCain isaware of the Internet."). Russo fired back that understanding in the abstract wasn't enough, that what was needed was a candidate with a world view that accorded with the changing tools.
There's a live question board for the conference, and the second entry from the top reads "The Edwards Woman is OUT OF CONTROL." The next comment? "But she's correct."
--Phoebe Connelly