Michael Bay deserves a Nobel Prize in...in...in...everything. The man is a genius. No! A bodhisattva, come to liberate us from the muck of thinking films with coherent plots. I've genuinely never had so much fun at a the movies. For hours after the film, I was approximately six years old, and even now I'm stuck somewhere around twelve. It's an odd picture to explain, as virtually all of its component parts are bad, but somehow, the whole thing coalesces into a really fantastic whole. And it's rather funny to watch Michael Bay -- speaking through Optimum Prime -- give a really qualified defense of the human species based on the idea that, one day, we could evolve into a worthy civilization.
To tide you over between reading this post and seeing the Citizen Kane of robot films, here's Megatron vs. Optimus Prime from the first Transformers movie: