Kwame Brown, a D.C. councilmember, has come up with a novel solution to the voting rights conundrum: fight guns with sex workers roses. Recently, legislation that would grant the District real representation in the House was stalled by a D.C.-specific anti-gun control amendment introduced by Sen. John Ensign. Since this makes apparent that the Nevada Republican thinks that state and local rights are no big, Brown doesn't see a problem with messing with the Silver State's tradition of legal prostitution. In a letter addressed to D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton and House majority leader Steny Hoyer, Brown encourages them to propose the 'Roses Amendment':

[It] would revise the Mann Act by prohibiting US citizens from crossing state borders to solicit sex in states where prostitution is legal. The amendment would further prohibit these states from using the Internet as a portal to advertise or solicit prostitution. Furthermore, the amendment would make it illegal to complete financial transactions where electronic data or information is shared with any entity located outside of the state for which prostitution is legalized…If elected officials from states, namely Nevada, can introduce legislation that alters the local laws of the District, I believe the District should offer an amendment that imposes our moral values on such states where prostitution is legal… I believe we should fight guns with roses and continue moving the DC Voting Rights Act forward.Sure, the Roses Amendment will have all of the success of Chinese Democracy. But it's not a bad effort at highlighting the hypocrisy of the whole situation. Full letter after the jump, via the DC Vote blog.--Alexandra Gutierrez