A TRULY UNPOPULAR INCUMBENT. If Sen. Joe Lieberman is ever feeling sorry for himself, he can take some comfort in knowing that at least he's not in as a bad shape as the incumbent governor of Alaska, Frank Murkowski, who is currently running third in the GOP gubernatorial primary contest. Just how unpopular is Murkowski? The AP reports:
Murkowski's approval ratings have skidded over the past four years because of much-criticized decisions such as appointing his daughter Lisa to his U.S. Senate seat and purchasing a state jet after his request for the aircraft was denied by both the federal government and state Legislature.Anti-incumbent fever this year clearly is not limited to just the blue states -- or even the mainland ones.A statewide poll by the Dittman Research Corp. showed Murkowski with 17 percent, compared with 40 percent for former Wasilla mayor Sarah Palin and 29 percent for former state legislator John Binkley of Fairbanks.
--Garance Franke-Ruta