By Pepper of the Daily Pepper
Hey, Santa! Am I going to get what I wished for this holiday season? I know it is a little early and all, but I've been good this year! The blog world is a-twitter with high Fitzmas hopes. I sure hope that Fitzgerald reels off his indictments soon because we're in the mood to party. In fact, J Train has recommendations for champagne at all price levels, and he matches champagnes to the quality of the indictment. A sample:
Gosset Brut Rose (France). Expensive, but one of Andrea's favorites. [As in Andrea Immer Robinson, author of Wine Buying Guide for Everyone] "The scent and flavors of dried cherries, exotic spices, and toasted nuts would please any serious wine drinker." Splurge on this one if they actually frog-march Rove out of the White House in leg irons.