In addition to being honest about what even relatively educated Americans don't know about the rest of the world ("I freely admit I don't know the African map very well, which speaks volumes in and of itself"), today's XKCD strip manages to get comedy out of map projections.
But as far as map humor (and American bias) are concerned, it takes a distant second to the scene from The West Wing featuring a lobby visit from the Cartographers for Social Equality:
On that note, since this brings me to the end of my week here at TAPPED, I'd like to thank editors Phoebe, Monica, and Gabe for letting me invade the briefing room, and y'all for letting me talk at you for a few minutes. It's been a pleasure to share space with some of the sharpest minds around, and I look forward to reading what future guests have to say as well. If you're interested in hearing more from me, you can follow me on Twitter, or read the posts I'll be putting up every so often on my brand-new personal blog. Enjoy your weekend!
-- Dara Lind