UNDERMINING THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE. I'll have a longer piece about the general subject coming up next week, but in the meantime Brian Beutler notes an interesting proposal by California Dems. In response to the California GOP's "21st century democracy for thee but not for me" initiative, the Democrats have a proposal that would award the state's electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote. Given current circumstances, it's not a terrible idea; it would still be unilateral disarmament, but at least the it would matter much less frequently, and would have a better chance of being balanced by a couple other states. I still probably wouldn't support it, but as a way of undermining the electoral college through initiative (assuming that Article II is read so as to permit this at all) it's probably the best one can do, at least without a trigger requiring other states to come on board before it goes into effect. --Scott Lemieux